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44 generic quilt xcel

Leaf Blight, Helminthosporium Leaf Blight - Resources Generic: Quilt Xcel® Controls Disease. view label. Shar Shield by Sharda. Generic: Tilt® ... Evaluation of Foliar Fungicides on Soybeans in 2018 Plot size ranged from 25.5 to 40 ft long and 10 to 15 ft wide (4 rows 30-inch inter-row spacing). Soybean cultivar and additional details are listed in Table 1. A total of 18 fungicide products were applied at recommended rate (Table 2) with a self-propelled research sprayer at growth stage R3 (beginning pod) at all seven locations.

Branded vs. Generic Ag Chemicals | Potato Grower Magazine For example, Quilt® and Quilt Xcel®, manufactured by Syngenta, contain the active ingredients azoxystrobin and propiconazol, though in different ratios. These actives are sold as generics individually or as a combination called AzoxyProp Xtra by Willowood, a generic manufacturer.

Generic quilt xcel

Generic quilt xcel

Quilt Xcel Fungicide - 2.5 Gallon [100-1324] - $429.95 : Keystone Pest ... Quilt Xcel fungicide provides preventive and curative disease control, plant stress management and yield-boosting benefits that bring a positive return on investment on corn, soybean and cereal crops. Quilt Xcel helps crops to yield their full potential by shielding plants from stress while providing broad spectrum disease control. Highlights Agricultural Chemical Solutions, Inc. - Fungicides Generic substitute for Tilt® Product Label PDF. $107 / gal. More Pricing Details. Generic substitute for Quilt Xcel® ... Atticus Aquila XL - Atticus LLC Contains azoxystrobin and propiconazole, the active ingredients used in Quilt Xcel ®. Atticus Aquila™ XL comes in a superior formulation, combining the power of two active ingredients, azoxystrobin and propiconazole. It offers two unique modes of action, making it an extraordinary addition to your fungicide regime.

Generic quilt xcel. Quilt Fungicide - The Quilt Fungicide targets and controls diseases such as eyespot, rusts, leaf spot, stem rot, anthracnose, liver spots, early blight, powdery mildew, pecan scab, foot rot, purple blotch, and gray leaf spot. It works by penetrating the leaf tissue in crops and uniformly distributes throughout the leaf. This fungicide is perfect to apply on ... Agricultural Chemical Solutions, Inc. - Pesticide Prices (Generic substitute for Quilt Xcel®) $106 / gal. Prosaro® by Bayer: $242 / gal. Prowl® H2O by BASF: $44 / gal. Quadris® by Syngenta: $208 / gal. Quilt Xcel™ by Syngenta: $174 / gal. Raptor® by BASF: $402 - $452 / gal. Price Details: Reckon 280 SL by Solera (Generic substitute for Liberty®) $85 - $86 / gal. Price Details: Report ® Xtra ... Aquila XL™ Fungicide - CommoditAg Online Ag Products Aquila XL also protects plants from diseases that thrive in wet conditions while strong, healthy roots improve nutrient uptake. • Comparable to Quilt Xcel • Long-lasting, broad spectrum disease control • Two modes of action - preventative and curative • Systemic xylem mobility - protects entire plant Increased yield potential. Quilt Xcel - Fungicide Product & Label Information | Syngenta US Product Details Quilt Xcel Fungicide Delivering disease control uniformly throughout the plant, Quilt Xcel ® fungicide helps plants withstand wet conditions with stronger, deeper roots. Disease control from Quilt Xcel is both preventive and curative and allows for longer periods of photosynthesis. Active Ingredients: Azoxystrobin, Propiconazole

PDF U.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, QUILT XCEL, 03/16/2010 Subject: Quilt Xcel~ Fungicide EPA Registration Number 100-1324 Decision D415346: Your master label amendment received bye-mail on January 5, 2010, superseding amended ... change the generic name for Northern corn leaf spot from "Cociliobolus" to "Cochliobolus". g. In item 5) of the "Specific 'Use Restrictions:" section ... Understanding Branded vs. Generic Ag Chemicals | FBN For example, Quilt ® and Quilt Xcel ®, manufactured by Syngenta, contain the active ingredients azoxystrobin and propiconazol, though in different ratios. These actives are sold as generics individually or as a combination called AzoxyProp Xtra by Willowood, a generic manufacturer. Products - CommoditAg Generic Crop Science; Gowan Company; H. H; Helm Agro US; K. K; Koch Agronomic Services, LLC; M. M; Makhteshim Agan of North America, Inc. d/b/a ADAMA; ... Search Results for "quilt-xcel-fungicide/" Seed Selector Sort by: View as: View as grid View as list. Search results for quilt-xcel-fungicide/ returned ... Quilt Xcel - SYNGENTA fungicide QUILT XCEL Fungicide is a broad spectrum, prevent ative fungicide with systemic and curative properties recommended for the control of important plant diseases in Crop Group 15 - Cereals. QUILT XCEL Fungicide may be applied as a foliar spray in alternating spray programs. All applications should be made according to the use directions that follow.

PDF GROUP 3 11 FUNGICIDES - Keystone Pest Solutions Quilt Xcel Fungicide is a broad-spectrum, preventative fungicide with systemic and curative properties specified for the control of many important plant diseases. Quilt Xcel Fungicide is a member of Syngenta's Plant Performance™ product line and may also improve the yield and/or quality of the crop. The Best Choice for Corn - Syngenta US Quilt Xcel. In comparisons, generic products can freeze in cold temperatures, experience more foaming when mixed, and its larger particle size blocks filters and nozzles which leads to slow applications. Quilt Xcel has a superior formulation that provides exceptional performance and quality compared to generic products. Quilt Xcel PDF Technical Recommendation - Spray Volume (Aerial Application Gal/acre): Quilt Xcel: 1 (ULV), Quadris: 2 Rainfast: 4 hours Bulk Weight lb./Gal.: Quilt Xcel 8.79, Quadris - 9.13 Spray Volume (Chemigation): 0.125 -0.25" water/acre Author GAL- ASR 2/13 ©2013 Syngenta. Important: Always read and follow label instructions before buying or using Syngenta products. 5.4 lb Glyphosate & Other Ag Chemicals - AgTalk Branded Liberty bulk- $78.50/gl Enlist 1 bulk- $42.50/gl Anthem Maxx- $477/gl Impact- $11.75/oz/gl Generic Quilt Xcel- $97/gl Ask about other products we have in stock! For Sale $44 USD Contact : CaseIHpride 785-632-7247 Or

PDF United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit 2SC and AzoxyProp Xtra generic products, which corre-spond in composition and labeling to Syngenta's QUADRIS ® and QUILT XCEL fungicides, respectively. J.A. 278, 714; Appellant's Br. 19. Syngenta asserted in its suit that Willowood's Azoxy 2SC and AzoxyProp Xtra products infringed claims 1-4

PDF Quilt Xcel® Fungicide QUILT XCEL® FUNGICIDE Environmental Fate The information presented here is for the active ingredient, azoxystrobin. Low bioaccumulation potential. Not persistent in soil. Stable in water. Moderate mobility in soil. Sinks in water (after 24 h). Azoxystrobin : The information presented here is for the active ingredient, propiconazole.

PDF United States Environmental Protection Agency Washington, Dc 20460 Quilt Xcel Fungicide is a member of Syngenta's Plant Performance™ product line and may also improve the yield and/or quality of the crop. These additional benefits are due to positive effects on plant physiology. The effects may vary according to other factors such as the crop, crop hybrid, or environment. Quilt Xcel may be applied as a foliar

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Diplodia Ear Rot - Resources Propaz by Sharda. Generic: Quilt Xcel® Suppresses Disease. Trivapro® by Syngenta. Suppresses Disease. view label. Resources home. Agricultural Chemical Solutions ...

Generic fungicide options - MSU Extension Also, Tebuzol (tebuconazole) is labeled for apples and pears, but other tebuconazole products such as Elite, Tebustar, and Orius are not. The table below lists generic versions of common fungicides. Read the fungicide label carefully before use as you would for any new product. Dr. Schilder's work is funded in part by MSU 's AgBioResearch.

Agricultural Chemical Component Chart - Ag PhD quilt xcel (7 oz) 3d: purchase nozzle here: armezon pro (16 oz) armezon (0.57 oz) outlook (14 oz) ga: purchase nozzle here: arrow (4 oz) select (4 oz) gat: ... dual generic (1 pt) metribuzin (0.25 lb) 3d: purchase nozzle here: talinor (16 oz) bicylopyrone: brox 2ec (11.7 oz) gat: purchase nozzle here:

Viewing a thread - Quilt Excel vs Generic Version?? Posted 7/30/2015 08:09 (#4707362 - in reply to #4706512) Subject: RE: Quilt Excel vs Generic Version?? Pedee, Oregon. The only difference I've noticed in using both products is the generic seems to separate worse in the jug (sometimes is completely separated ).

PDF Crop Product Guide - GENERIC CROP SCIENCE Same active as QUILT XCEL® A broad-spectrum, multiple-mode-of-action, preventative fungicide with systemic and curative properties recommended for the control of many important plant diseases. Willowood Azoxy-Prop Xtra may be applied as a foliar spray in alternating spray programs or in tank mixes with other crop protection products. Propico 3.6EC

What We Learned in 2020: Fungicides on Corn and Soybeans - AgVenture The products providing most of those results mentioned above were Trivapro®, Headline Amp®, and generic versions of Quilt Xcel®. The increased longevity of control of Trivapro and two new products (Miravis Neo and Veltyma™) should lead to even more increased yield in the future.

Shop | FBN Copyright © 2014 - 2022 Farmer's Business Network, Inc. All rights Reserved. The sprout logo, "Farmers Business Network", "FBN", "FBN Direct" and "F2F ...

Atticus Aquila XL - Atticus LLC Contains azoxystrobin and propiconazole, the active ingredients used in Quilt Xcel ®. Atticus Aquila™ XL comes in a superior formulation, combining the power of two active ingredients, azoxystrobin and propiconazole. It offers two unique modes of action, making it an extraordinary addition to your fungicide regime.

Agricultural Chemical Solutions, Inc. - Fungicides Generic substitute for Tilt® Product Label PDF. $107 / gal. More Pricing Details. Generic substitute for Quilt Xcel® ...

Quilt Xcel Fungicide - 2.5 Gallon [100-1324] - $429.95 : Keystone Pest ... Quilt Xcel fungicide provides preventive and curative disease control, plant stress management and yield-boosting benefits that bring a positive return on investment on corn, soybean and cereal crops. Quilt Xcel helps crops to yield their full potential by shielding plants from stress while providing broad spectrum disease control. Highlights

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